
The following whitepaper presents the comprehensive structure of the WaveMakers Foundation, broken down into individual components of the ecosystem, with one common denominator – the unique Mwave token, which has a utility role. We encourage you to take a close look at this documentation. WaveMakers Foundation implements blockchain technology, uses artificial intelligence, and plans to generate Real Yield.



1. AI Chatbot Installations

We create intelligent chatbots that are capable of handling customer inquiries, resolving issues and providing immediate service.

Personalize interactions to fit the individual needs of your business.

2. AutoWriter

We implement artificial intelligence-based solutions for generating automated content.

Optimization of text creation processes on the website, social media, etc.

3. Spinner

Implementation of tools for automatic processing and modification of textual content, with sense and uniqueness.

Optimization of content for SEO and Internet marketing.

4.Image Generator

We introduce AI solutions for generating high-quality graphics.

We create custom images according to your brand needs.

5.Text to Speech (TTS).

Integrating text-to-speech conversion technology to dynamically generate audio content.

Personalization of voice to better match your brand image.


We implement image upscaling algorithms that improve the quality and resolution of graphics.

Optimize video content and images for better visual effects.

Web 3.0

Web3 is the next stage in the evolution of the Internet, based on decentralized blockchain technologies and the concept of smart contracts. Unlike the currently dominant model (Web 2.0), Web3 relies on full transparency, decentralization, and greater autonomy for users. It’s an ecosystem in which users have full control over their data, and online interactions take place without the mediation of central institutions.

1.Data Security:

Web3 eliminates the need to store huge amounts of data in central databases, which contributes to data security.

2. User Autonomy:

Users have full control over their data, deciding who can use it and how.


The lack of central control nodes makes the system more resilient to attacks and failures.

4.Smart Contracts:

Enable automation of business processes, eliminating the need for intermediaries.


Web3 fosters the emergence of new business models, applications and ecosystems, stimulating innovation such as loyalty systems.

1.Developed Smart Contract Solutions:

We design and implement customized smart contracts, automating business processes.

2.Blockchain Development:

We develop decentralized applications (dApps) based on blockchain technology, enabling secure and transparent transactions.

3.Asset Tokenization:

As part of WaveMakers Poland, we help tokenize assets, which opens up new financial and investment opportunities.

4.Web3 Consulting:

We provide comprehensive consultation on Web3 implementation, helping clients understand and realize the full potential of this technology.

For Creators

WaveMakers Foundation is an end-to-end solution that brings together key elements to help project originators bring their concepts to life. Our offerings include both automated and customized tokenization, guideline-driven auditing, pitch deck and whitepaper creation, as well as assistance in establishing branding, developing a marketing strategy, presenting projects to investors, and providing support in organizing ICOs, IDOs, IEOs and the dex and cex listing process. In addition, we offer campaigns based on a loyalty system based on NFT technology, as well as tokenization opportunities for companies that wish to enter the blockchain industry.

For Investors

Our offer includes comprehensive support from concept development to final implementation. Investors can be assured that they are investing in verified, high-quality projects developed by top specialists.

Profits generated by our entire ecosystem will be transferred to the market to redeem Mwave tokens, which will then be burned.

I. Ecosystem

1.1 WaveMakers Agency GLOBAL

From Concept to Completion: Your Full Stack Agency

At WaveMakers Agency Global, we offer a comprehensive range of services that include:

Analysis and Strategy

We help clients thoroughly analyze their concepts, identifying potential opportunities and challenges.

Preparation of documentation

Creating professional documents such as pitch decks, presentations, whitepapers and developing complex tokenomics models.


We provide support in graphic identity issues and building a consistent brand image.


We develop websites, online stores, applications and complex portals, providing clients with an online presence of the highest quality.

Public Relations (PR)

Building brand recognition through publications in reputable media such as Bloomberg and Cointelegraph, as well as creating review materials published by well-known YouTubers.

Community building

We perform community hacking, develop strategies and manage promotional campaigns, and effectively manage accounts on social media platforms.

App development 

Our team specialize in creating Web3 applications that leverage the latest technologies and decentralized solutions. Our expertise also includes crafting custom Telegram bots tailored to various needs and functionalities. From conceptualization to deployment, we ensure seamless integration and user-centric design, enabling our clients to effectively engage their audience in the dynamic digital environment.

Web3 Game Development 

 As an agency, we’re not just about creating innovative solutions – we’re also diving into the world of Web3 gaming on Telegram!These games have been gaining massive popularity lately, captivating communities and providing endless opportunities for growth and engagement. We’re thrilled to be a part of this dynamic space, crafting games that not only entertain but also foster vibrant and thriving communities. Stay tuned for more updates on our latest ventures in Web3 gaming!


We develop smart contracts and dApps (decentralized applications), enabling clients to use blockchain technology in an efficient and innovative way.

Our agency offers comprehensive support, helping clients succeed in the dynamic world of blockchain technology.

Mwave, our unique token, plays a key role in the operation of WaveMakers Agency Global. One of the aspects where Mwave finds its application is in the process of accepting payments.

Our agency allows customers to make payments for our services using Mwave tokens, which provides convenience and efficiency in transactions.

However, that’s not all. Our agency works with a sustainable cryptocurrency ecosystem in mind, so a portion of the profits generated by WaveMakers Agency Global drives the Mwave deflationary system. The quarterly net profit, multiplied by 10%, is the sum for which Mwave tokens are then redeemed from the market. After redemption, these tokens are definitely disposed of (burned), which contributes to reducing supply and supports the value of Mwave.

What does tokenization provide for a company?

International Reach through a Promotional Campaign Associated with Tokenization

Tokenization provides a unique opportunity for a company to achieve international reach through an effective promotional campaign. Through this innovative form of financing and participation in the company, the enterprise can reach a global community of investors and enthusiasts, which translates into a wider circle of potential customers and business partners around the world.

Recapitalization of the company.

The tokenization process is an effective way to raise additional funds, supporting the growth and expansion of the enterprise.

Examples of responsibilities of a tokenized enterprise:

  • Implementation of token usability ( e.g. accepting payments for services)
  • Active marketing (Twitter,Telegram)
  • 10% of the profit generated by the company is obligatorily allocated for buying tokens from the market

Active marketing (Twitter, Telegram).

The company is required to actively participate in marketing campaigns on platforms such as Twitter and Telegram, building community engagement.

Profit distribution

10% of the profit generated is obligatorily allocated to buying tokens from the market.

A portion of the profits generated by the company is obligated to be used to buy its own tokens from the market, which has the effect of limiting their availability.

Why is it worth investing?


The tokens of companies participating in tokenization under the WaveMakers Poland brand represent verified and recognized entities on the Polish market that are well-established and make profit and loss statements and balance sheets available to the public. This differentiates tokenization from traditional ICOs or IDEs, eliminating the risks associated with investing in just a concept or vision.

Simplicity of investment

Investor receives loyalty tokens of the company which instead of dividends the company is obliged to buy its own token from the market and – burn it which will increase the value of the token

Limited supply

The auction gives access to tokens to one partner fund or one investor from WaveWhales Premium, which will regulate the circulation in the future by selling its tokens. Initially, available tokens in the Initial Listing Pool will be limited in quantity mostly to 5% of total supply.

NFT-based loyalty campaigns

An NFT (Non-Fungible Token) is a type of digital asset that is immutable, meaning that each NFT is unique and indivisible. They are based on blockchain technology and are used to represent ownership or rights to specific digital or real assets, such as works of art, movies, video games, virtual collections and even real estate in the virtual world.

We approach each client individually where we tailor the best strategy to build a community-engaging system.

Examples :

1. rewarding loyalty: A company can create unique NFTs as rewards for its loyal customers. Each customer purchase or activity can translate into earning specific NFTs that can be collected and exchanged for exclusive benefits.

2. NFT Collections: the company can create collections of themed NFTs that customers can collect, exchange and upgrade, which encourages longer engagement. Customers who collect full sets of NFTs can receive exclusive rewards.

3. Tracking history and achievements: Through NFTs, the history of a customer’s interaction with the brand can be tracked. Each NFT can represent a specific achievement or milestone in the customer relationship, allowing you to personalize rewards and incentives.

4. Special events and limited editions: The company can issue NFTs to celebrate special events, seasons or anniversaries, creating a sense of exclusivity and giving customers the opportunity to participate in unique promotions.

5. Cross-border exchange: NFTs can be exchanged with other users inside the loyalty system, creating a community of customers eager to interact and trade NFTs.

Introducing NFTs into a loyalty system can significantly increase customer engagement by allowing customers to collect and exchange unique digital assets. This also gives the company the ability to monitor customer behavior and tailor rewards to their preferences, resulting in a more effective loyalty system.

1.2 WaveMakers Innovation HUB

Introducing Innovation Hub!  Our specialty lies in creating innovative crypto projects and games. We operate in two different ways. Firstly, we comprehensively produce crypto projects and web3 games that are fully owned by WaveMakers Foundation. We oversee the team, budget, marketing, and development. Secondly, we collaborate with teams that have ideas for projects. As WaveMakers Agency, we provide comprehensive support for the project, including branding, development, and assistance in initial funding rounds.

We create our own projects and games. The list will be continuously expanded. The tokenomics of each of our projects are designed so that a portion of the profits is allocated to the buyback and burning of the Mwave token. 

The first proprietary game by WaveMakers Foundation:

LLamaOnTON Season 1 – A Telegram game focused on building and developing a farm. As the farm progresses, players ultimately acquire tokens that will be available on exchanges after the game ends.

10% of the total project profit is allocated to Mwave buyback and token burning. In cases where Mwave is not yet available on the exchange, 10% of the profit is distributed to investors from the private sale phase.

1.3 WaveMakers ADS Platform

We specialize in creating and managing campaigns on the Telegram application. With us, you have the opportunity to reach top channels with millions of followers through advertising. Campaign reports are transparent – you can see exactly how many views your ad received on each channel or channel.

The platform that enables the creation of NFT ADS campaigns is an innovative tool that brings new possibilities in the field of communication with a group of potential investors. The NFT ADS concept represents a new era of promotion that uses intangible digital assets to reach a targeted audience.

One of the key elements of this platform are innovative NFT banners. These unique and personalized messages reach directly into the cryptocurrency wallets of potential investors. This is an extremely effective way to promote projects, companies and products, as the message is delivered in a location that is particularly relevant to those interested in investing in cryptocurrencies.

NFT ADS campaigns allow you to create personalized messages that are tailored to the needs and preferences of your target audience. This can effectively attract the attention of potential investors and encourage them to take a closer look at the projects or products on offer.

Introducing this platform into your promotional strategy can bring a significant increase in the visibility and effectiveness of your advertising campaigns which translates into potential profits and business success. Using NFT ADS opens up new perspectives in marketing and communications, allowing you to reach your target audience more effectively in the dynamic world of cryptocurrencies and digital assets.

How does it work ?

The key parameters that can be configured include:

Chain Type: Our platform allows clients to choose the specific blockchain platform on which they want to reach their potential audience. For example, clients can choose chains such as Polygon or Arbitrum, allowing them to tailor their campaigns to the specific blockchain network.

Size of Target Portfolios: Our tools allow clients to specify precisely what size of target portfolios they want to include in their campaign. We can set up campaigns that target portfolios of a certain value, for example, portfolios with a value higher than $10,000. This allows us to target the message to people who have the right funds to invest.

Description and design: After selecting these criteria, the client provides us with a detailed description of what the banner ad should look like and what content should be included. Our team of advertising and design specialists works to prepare the banner according to the client’s guidelines.

Accepting payments for services.

II. Economy

2.1 Token Info




Total Supply:

10M Mwave

Buy/Sell Token Tax:

Allocation for Early Donors: 1%.

Marketing tax: 1%

Liquidity tax: 1%

2.1 Token Info

2.2 Deflation System

The deflation of the Mwave token is based on a token redemption and burning strategy. This process is an integral part of our ecosystem, ensuring the stability and value of the Mwave token.

Buy and Burn: 10% of the net profits coming from the WaveMakers Foundation ecosystem are transferred to a temporary wallet. Then, within each quarter, we buy back the Mwave token from the exchange.

After the buyback, the tokens are immediately burned, meaning that they are permanently removed from circulation. This process is designed to reduce the supply of token and affects their value.

The deflation system applies to the entire WaveMakers Foundation ecosystem, which includes:

  • WaveMakers Agency Global
  • WaveMakers  Innovation Hub
  • WaveMakers NFT ADS

This comprehensive approach to managing the Mwave token ensures that our token remains stable and attractive to both investors and users of the ecosystem. By buying and burning tokens, deflation contributes to the value of Mwave, a key feature of our financial strategy.

2.3 Tokenomics


Public Sale 

Pool = 4 000 000 Mwave

1 Mwave = 0.15$ 

Initial Listing Price

1 Mwave – 0.15$